Grieving is individual to every single person. Dealing with death is a challenging life event but when it happens to young people, it can be an even more complex event that can be extremely isolating.
Four young people experience the death of a parent every day in Northern Ireland alone, and many more are bereaved of siblings, grandparents, other family members and friends.
In partnership with Cruse Bereavement Support NI’s Youth Advisory Group, we are providing a series of videos entitled ‘The Promise of Hope,’ to help young people explore their feelings on grief. The short films include testimonies from young people about their own grief journey, discussion of personal experience following loss, and guidance on how to address grief, in a bid to support their peers who find themselves facing the death of someone they loved.
From discussing the individuality of each bereavement journey to the feelings young people have surrounding death, the videos aim to bring a level of understanding to a journey that has been presented so prematurely to many young people across the Province.