£20,000 Community Fund launched to fund grass-roots good causes provided by local charities and not-for-profit organisations working to benefit people in Belfast and the surrounding areas.
James Brown & Sons has been committed to serving the people of greater Belfast since 1904 and this year they are launching the first ever James Brown & Sons Community Fund, to support charities and not-for-profit organisations with much-needed support. The funding will focus on programmes that benefit local communities in the heart of Belfast and the surrounding areas.
Successful applicants to the fund will represent communities within a three-mile radius of James Brown & Sons located on Belfast’s Newtownards Road, Lisburn Road, Knockbreda Road, and Dundonald, Dunmurry and Whiteabbey.
Speaking about the launch of the fund in his family name, James Brown said: “It has been a humbling experience for us to serve the people of greater Belfast for almost 120 years and while we have witnessed many bad times, there have been many good times too. We have made countless charitable donations over the years but this is the first time that we, James Brown & Sons supported by Funeral Partners, have taken a formal approach to recognise the good causes in our area with the launch of the James Brown & Sons Community Fund. Sadly, we have all been impacted by the pandemic and if the last two years have taught us anything, it’s to look after our neighbours and those closest to us. Therefore, I am both honoured and privileged to be able to launch this fund in the name of the business started by my grandfather at a time when so many community organisations are struggling to survive. I trust that the fund will go some way to enabling a range of community groups in the greater Belfast area and beyond to continue their important work and to thrive.
“Whether you host a childrens after schools club, you maintain a community garden, you support disadvantaged groups in your community, provide employment within the local area, or you campaign for social justice, we want to hear from you. No matter how small or large your community initiative is, I would encourage you to apply for the first James Brown & Sons Community Fund as we want to connect and engage with projects in our local communities to help them develop as we reunite beyond the pandemic and all look to a brighter future.”
The fund will be distributed in three cycles throughout 2022 with grants of between £300 and £1,500 being awarded to a maximum of £6,666 in each cycle. The deadline for applications to the first James Brown & Sons Community Fund is Friday 3 June 2022 at 12 noon. Applicants must demonstrate how they improve the quality of life for local residents and the wider community.
Projects applying for the fund should apply by email in no more than 500 words aligning to James Brown & Sons funding focus areas: Health, Education, Employment Opportunities and Poverty/Social Deprivation.
For further information and to apply to the fund, please visit
www.jamesbrownfuneraldirectors.com or email jamesbrowncommunityfund@funeralpartners.com.
Follow James Brown & Sons on Facebook at www.facebook.com/JamesBrownandSonsFD.