Popular searches include:How to plan a funeral,Getting started,Letting people know
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First Steps
When someone dies: What to do next?
If you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, there can be lots of things...
Arranging a Funeral
Arranging a funeral
Once you have chosen your funeral director you can contact us via telephone, email or come into...
After a Funeral
Help and support within the Community
James Brown & Sons Funeral Directors is here for you before, during and after the funeral. We’re only a phone call away...
After a Funeral
After the Ceremony
What you choose to do after the ceremony itself is entirely up to you. Some people like...
Arranging a Funeral
Visiting your loved one at the funeral home
Some people like to spend time with their loved one in the Funeral Home to say goodbye...
Arranging a Funeral
What to do next
You can start to talk to your funeral director informally as soon as a death has occurred...
First Steps
Letting people know
Along with relatives and friends, there are a number of people that you’ll need to advise about...
First Steps
Letting people know
Along with relatives and friends, there are a number of people that you’ll need to advise about...
First Steps
Registering a death, documents and certification
This is usually done by a relative but can be carried out by anybody present at the...