Help & Advice

Arranging a Funeral

Memorial Masonry

James Brown & Sons Funeral Directors can talk to you about all the options available and help you organise your chosen memorial....

Arranging a Funeral

Paying for a funeral

James Brown & Sons Funeral Directors will quote for all the costs for all elements of the funeral on our estimate. A...

Arranging a Funeral

Poems Suitable for a Funeral

A funeral poem or reading is a common part of many modern funerals. Whether religious or not,...

Arranging a Funeral

Proper Funeral Etiquette

Attending a funeral is emotional and difficult for everyone. On top of this, there’s proper funeral etiquette...

First Steps

Registering a death, documents and certification

This is usually done by a relative but can be carried out by anybody present at the...

Arranging a Funeral

Selecting reflection music for funerals

When making funeral arrangements for your loved one, choosing what music to play can be an important...

Arranging a Funeral

Should a child go to a funeral?

There are many considerations when thinking about whether children should attend funerals. Some people worry their child...

First Steps

Tips for Announcing a Death on Social Media

When a loved one passes away, one of the first things we need to do is to...

Arranging a Funeral

Tips for Writing a Good Eulogy

A eulogy is a funeral reading that tells the life story of the person who has died....

After a Funeral, First Steps

Using Life Ledger to notify companies about a death

There's so much to think about when someone close to you has died. Life Ledger is a...

Arranging a Funeral

Visiting your loved one at the funeral home

Some people like to spend time with their loved one in the Funeral Home to say goodbye...

Arranging a Funeral

What do you wear to a funeral

When deciding what to wear to a funeral, it’s important to consider the person who has passed...

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